
I have been reading some great articles and books recently all about worship! One site that I use is worshipmatters.com . The thing that strikes me most is that worship is not just about music and songs, it is about prayer, it is about a 24/7 life devoted to God. If we are spending more time watching tv, playing games etc, then where is our focus, it is not on God but on worldly things. The enemy wants to distract us from the things of God, don't get me wrong here, their is nothing wrong with a bit of entertainment and doing things we enjoy, But scripture does say that Joy is in the Lord! Psalm 33 verse 1, Shout for Joy in the Lord!

We are to delight in the Lord, my point is this, we are not to be Sunday worshipers alone, It is wonderful to come together in church and worship and pray, but if Sunday is our only day for worship then I feel we are missing the point. We must worship God in spirit and truth, John 4 verse 24. I love to sing and make music, and I feel truly blessed to do so, but my prayer time is as much a part of my worship as is music.

We are to glorify him at all times, in prayer in music and singing, making our lives ones of worship every day, Colossians 3 verse 23, Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men. 

So lets make our every day, whatever we are doing, wherever we are working being about our worship of God, and praising his name! God bless.